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Privacy Notice

This privacy notice describes how and why St. Michael’s Hospice uses your personal information, how we protect your privacy when doing so, and your rights and choices regarding this information. We promise to respect all of your personal information which is under our control and to keep it safe. We aim to be clear when we collect your information about what we will do with it.

We are a regional charity with relationships with fundraisers, volunteers, supporters and service users, so we use personal information on a day-to-day basis to operate.  Our use of personal information allows us to make better decisions, fundraise more efficiently and ultimately helps us continue to provide hospice care for the people of North Hampshire.

This policy was last updated on Friday 21 September 2023.

Who we are

St Michael’s Hospice supports people across North Hampshire who have a life-limiting illness, are facing the end of life or experiencing bereavement.

St. Michael’s Hospice (North Hampshire) is a charity, registered in England and Wales (charity number 1002856) and a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales (company number 02588395), whose registered office is Basil de Ferranti House, Aldermaston Road, Basingstoke, RG24 9NB.

Data protection

We care about your personal data and ensuring that you are informed about how we use it. St. Michael’s Hospice promises to protect your data, and to manage any information you share with us in line with data protection laws.

St. Michael’s Hospice processes your personal data in accordance with the legal requirements set out in the following Data Protection legislation:

  • Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA2018)
  • UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR)
  • Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (PECR)

This Privacy Policy sets out how and why St. Michael’s Hospice will collect and use your personal data in line with the above legislation, to ensure you remain informed and in control of your information.

Please read this privacy notice carefully, along with our Terms and Conditions and any other documents referred to in this notice, to understand how we collect, use and store your personal information.

If you have any questions about how St. Michael’s Hospice processes your information, please get in touch using the details in the Contact us section below.

Types of personal data we collect

Depending on your interaction with St. Michael’s Hospice, we will collect the following types of information about you:

  • Your contact details, such as name, postal address, telephone number and email address
  • Your date of birth
  • Your financial information, such as bank account details
  • Your Gift Aid declaration
  • Your professional information, such as job title
  • A record of our communications with you
  • Your communication preferences
  • Your giving history
  • Your interests, and reasons for your support
  • Your next of kin details, such as when you are participating in a Challenge Event
  • Photography and videography, such as images at events, case studies and other marketing materials
  • Sensitive information (see below)

Sensitive information

Under data protection law, certain categories of personal information are recognised as sensitive, otherwise known as ‘Special Category Data’, and include health information, race and religious beliefs. Criminal conviction data are also considered sensitive under data protection law. St. Michael’s Hospice does not often process this information, but will occasionally collect it, for example in the following situations:

  • When you volunteer or apply for a job with us.
  • When you share health/medical data with us relevant to support your participation in, or volunteering at, an event.
  • The processing is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, for the assessment of the working capacity of an employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services based on legislation or pursuant to contract with a health professional and subject to the relevant conditions and safeguards.
  • The processing is necessary to protect your vital interests or someone else’s vital interests, e.g., where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent.
  • The processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or whenever courts are acting in their judicial capacity.
  • You give us consent to do so.

In all cases, we will ensure that we have a valid legal basis for processing this information.

Where does this information come from?

We collect information in the following ways:

When you give it to us directly

You may give us your details in order to sign up for one of our events, tell us your story, make a donation, apply for a vacancy to become volunteer, or communicate with us. You also need to provide your information to us to as a patient, carer and family member.

When you use our website

Like most websites, we use “cookies” to help us make our site – and the way you use it – better. Cookies mean that a website will remember you. They’re small text files that sites transfer to your computer (or phone or tablet). They make interacting with a website faster and easier – for example by automatically filling your name and address in text fields. There are more details in about this in our cookies section.

When you give it to us indirectly

Your information may be shared with us by third parties, for example independent event organisers like the London Marathon, and fundraising sites like Just Giving and Much Loved. These independent third parties will only do so when you have indicated that you wish to support St Michael’s Hospice and with your consent.

Information about you shared by our partner organisations, including Local Hospice Lottery when you have given your consent to do so.

We may also receive data about you from third parties acting on our behalf who provide us with technical, payment or delivery services. You should check their Privacy Notice when you provide your information to understand fully how they will process your data.

Social media

Communication, engagement and actions taken through external social media platforms that we participate on are subject to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held with each social media platform respectively.

Depending on your settings or the privacy policies for social media and messaging services like Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter, you might give us permission to access information from those services, for example when you publicly tag us in an event photo. When you communicate, engage or take any action on a social media platform, please do ensure that you refer to the terms and conditions of those platforms as well as their privacy policies.

Information available publicly

We supplement information on our supporters with details from publicly available sources such as charity websites and annual reviews, corporate websites, public social media accounts, the electoral register and Companies House in order to create a fuller understanding of someone’s interests and support of St Michael’s Hospice. Wherever it is practical for us to do so, we will make clear why we are collecting this type of information and what it will be used for.

In some situations, we update our supporters’, customers’ and volunteers’ personal information using information from public registers or other agencies. For example, we do this to check we have a valid and deliverable postal address for you, or to check if you are registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) or Fundraising Preference Service (FPS).

How we use your data

In simple terms, your personal data is used to help us effectively deliver our charitable services or to help us raise funds for those charitable services.

We have summarised below the different reasons why we do this (these are often referred to as ‘purposes’). How we use your data for these purposes will depend on the nature of our relationship with you.

For information on how we use your personal data for recruitment purposes, please see our Job Applicant Privacy Policy.

VolunteeringTo enable us to recruit volunteers. To support and train volunteers and ensure their safety. To enable us to communicate with volunteers regarding their volunteering work, the wider work of St. Michael’s Hospice and how they might support in other ways.
Marketing and fundraisingTo efficiently raise the voluntary income required to enable us to care for people in North Hampshire requiring hospice care. To send you marketing including updates about the Hospice, volunteering and various ways you can support St. Michaels Hospice including fundraising, events and playing our Lottery. To contact you about your regular donations. To process your donation and send you a thank you acknowledgement by mail or email. To manage events and fundraising activities. To ensure as many supporters as possible maximise the value of their donations through Gift Aid and to recover Gift Aid where appropriate.
SponsorshipTo process your donation and send you confirmation. For the recovery of Gift Aid (where you have completed a Gift Aid declaration).
Raffles and lotteriesIf you play our Lottery which is run in partnership with Local Hospice Lottery Ltd. When you sign up to Local Hospice Lottery, you will be given the choice to share your data with the Hospice you support. Your name, address and marketing preferences are shared with us securely monthly and stored on our database. Your data will be treated in line with all other supporters as detailed in this policy. If you cease your contract with Local Hospice Lottery, your data will be shared once again so we can keep our database up to date. Please visit Local Hospice Lottery for their full privacy policy –
LegaciesIf you have got in touch with us about leaving us a legacy, we will manage and administer your legacy pledge.
EventsTo process registration fees and administer events, and to communicate with you about the event and, if applicable, the fundraising you agreed to take part in. To collect and store images and videography with the purposes to promote future fundraising events. To obtain relevant information on health or medical conditions, to support the safe participation of event participants and volunteers.
Media and PRContacting you about press enquiries and case studies to help promote our work.
Analysis, targeting and segmentationTo better understand our supporters, customers and volunteers, and allow us to serve you optimised, tailored messages and marketing through segmentation, to find new supporters, and to ensure that we are providing the best possible service. To use public sources to add to our analysis. To better understand how our online services, like our website, are being used so we can improve our services. More information is available in the Cookies section.
Retail trading and online purchasesTo fulfil orders for goods and services.
Enquiries and complaintsTo enable us to record, consider and reply to enquiries and complaints from members of the public received a variety of ways, including via social media.
ResearchTo conduct supporter, customer and service user satisfaction surveys and other research to help design and improve our products, services and communications. To carry out research in relation to our supporters and services, including desk research to help identify potential high value supporters.
Photography and videographyTo archive and store images and videos for historical interest and to use for event promotion.
Health and safety of staff, volunteers, service users and visitors across our sitesTo ensure your health and safety when visiting our sites, including keeping first aid records, a record of arrivals and departures, and the use of CCTV across all sites.

How the law applies to St. Michael’s Hospice use of personal information

Data Protection legislation requires us to make sure that we have a valid ground for processing your data. The law sets out six different grounds for when personal data can be processed (plus additional ones where sensitive data is used) The legal grounds that are most relevant to St. Michael’s Hospice use of your personal information are:

  • Where you have provided specific Consent
  • Where we have a Legitimate Interest to do so that has been balanced and does not adversely affect your rights.
  • Where we have a Contract in place that cannot be fulfilled without processing your information.
  • Where we have a Legal Obligation to use or disclose information about you; or
  • We believe it is in the Public Interest to, and this interest is supported by law.

The law sets out an additional ground for processing not listed above, that St. Michael’s Hospice is not currently using. Any changes or additions to the grounds for processing in the future will be updated above.


Volunteers provide invaluable support to St Michael’s Hospice. Where you have provided us with your information to volunteer, we process this in order to recruit volunteers (for example, by reviewing volunteering applications), support and train volunteers, and communicate with you generally about the work we do to ensure that you are kept well informed about the Hospice, your own volunteering and how you can get more involved.

In order to support people who wish to volunteer at our events, we ask that you tell us about any relevant medical conditions so we can better-support your volunteer experience with us if necessary.

Job applicants, current and former St. Michael’s Hospice employees

If you apply to work at St. Michael’s Hospice, we will only use the information you give us to process your application.

If you are unsuccessful in your job application, we will hold your personal information for six months after we have finished recruiting the post you applied for. After this date we will destroy or delete the information. If you begin employment, we keep the information in this file secure and will only use it for matters that apply directly to your employment. Once you stop working for us, we will keep this file according to our retention guidelines.

Event participation

When you register to attend or participate in one of our events, we will ask you to provide any relevant medical/health information that will allow us to support you in your participation. This is to ensure your safety and enjoyment of the event. We will also ask you in some cases to provide contact details of a relative or friend in the event of an emergency.

Marketing and fundraising

St. Michael’s Hospice marketing activity helps us to raise the income we need to enable us to support people in North Hampshire who have a life-limiting illness, are facing the end of life or experiencing bereavement.

St. Michael’s Hospice seeks your consent to send you marketing via email, phone or text message (SMS). If you choose to hear from us in these ways, you will receive news, updates about the Hospice, invitations to take part in research, and general information about volunteering and various ways you can support the Hospice, including fundraising, and events. Examples include a monthly update email, invitations to events, and telephone calls to existing supporters about their regular gifts.

St. Michael’s Hospice relies on legitimate interests to send you marketing and fundraising communications by post, if you have provided a postal address or have given your permission for your address to be shared with us by a third party such as Much Loved, Just Giving or Enthuse. Unless you tell us not to, we will contact you by post with communications we believe you will be interested in. If you would like to opt out of these communications, you can do so at any time by contacting us, see the Contact us section below for details. We also rely on legitimate interest to telephone you if you have signed up to donate regularly, to ask you for your postal address, as well as update you on our work, and to ask you to consider supporting our work financially or increasing your current gift.

When you register to attend or take part in one of our fundraising or challenge events, we will use your information to process the registration fees (if any), administer your participation in the event and provide you with information about the event and fundraising you agreed to take part in.

We will never rent, swap or sell your details for marketing purposes.

Financial transactions

If you donate to us, or buy something from us, we will process your debit or credit card details. We will also pass your card details securely to our payment-processing partner as part of the payment process. We do this in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Security Standards and do not store the details on our website or databases.

If you have kindly added Gift Aid to your donation to St. Michael’s Hospice, we must record the fact that you are a UK taxpayer and we have to maintain a record of the amount of Gift Aid we have claimed.

When you purchase an item from our online shop, we will collect certain information from you including your name, address, phone number, email address and payment details, so that we can process and send you your item or contact you if we have any queries regarding your purchase.

Analysing and profiling

Fundraising and Marketing

It is important for us to know why you choose to support St. Michael’s Hospice, as this helps us to give you the information that is most relevant for you. We will analyse your data to better understand your preferences, to improve our services, and to tailor our marketing communications to you. The information we use to do this will include your current engagement with St. Michael’s Hospice, interests, preferences, and future potential support, such as level of potential donations, so that we can see who may be interested in supporting us or who may be able and willing to give more.

St. Michael’s Hospice also carries out click-through email tracking, which allows us to analyse when an email has been interacted with (for example when an email is opened, or when links within it are clicked). This helps us to better understand the impact of our communications and success of our campaigns. Similarly, we use online analytics tools to analyse how our online services, such as our websites, are being used. This helps us to improve our online services and understand the impact or our marketing activity. More information is available in our Cookies section.

High Value Giving and Research

We undertake research on individuals and organisations to help us to identify potential supporters who are able to make substantial donations or appear to have an interest in our work and who may be able to help us raise substantial donations through their networks or by being involved in our events. We undertake this research based on Legitimate Interest and consider this critical processing to ensure we raise much needed funds and support for our vital work. Where we do undertake such research, we balance your right to privacy with your reasonable expectations that as a high value individual or organisation such processing does take place.

We only ever collect the minimum amount of personal data needed for us to identify whether you would be a prospective donor, and only ever use reliable, trustworthy sources with information that is already in the public domain, such as press coverage, Companies House and LinkedIn. We will never collect and store any special category data (see Types of personal data we collect section for more information on what this is) and will inform you of the processing we undertake in our first communication to you, and in other communications we may make to you as a supporter. As with all personal data processing completed at St. Michael’s Hospice you can exercise your Data Protection Rights at any time, and if you have questions or concerns about our use of your data for research purposes you can contact our Data Protection Officer.

Operational Services Analysis

In addition to the analysis we do to understand our supporters, we also conduct analysis to better understand those that use our services, in order for us to ensure we are providing the best possible service to the people of North Hampshire.

Filming and photography

Case studies

If you have interacted with St Michael’s, for example if you been a service user or taken part in a fundraising event, we may ask you if you would be interested in being a case study for us. We only use your case study where we have your consent to do so.

St Michael’s Hospice organised events

We will only use your image with your consent if you were a participant at one of our events or we have asked you for your consent on the day. Please be advised however that if you are not the focus of the image, we will not usually need to collect your consent, but you may still appear in the background or as part of a crowd. There will always be notices advising where photography is taking place at our events, and prior notification will be provided in the event Terms and Conditions.

Events not organised by St. Michael’s Hospice

Where events are not organised by us, such as national challenge events like the London Marathon, we use photography and film under our legitimate interest. More details will be included in the event terms and conditions.

Please be advised that at either St. Michael’s Hospice or third-party events there could be photographers from other organisations, such as press and other media outlets, who we are not responsible for. If you have any concerns or questions about photography at events please speak to the event organisers, or any photographers on the day.


No personal details (including names) of any under 18-year-old participants will be used in any publicity materials without the written consent of their parent or legal guardian. Please be advised however that we may use images where children are incidentally included in the background (for example, images of mass participation in the warm-up exercises, or on the starting line), but only where individuals are not clearly identifiable.

User generated images

Some of our events will also utilise ‘user generated content sharing technology’, allowing participants to share their own images to their social media accounts with an appropriate ‘hashtag’ that will allow us to find the images, and share them via our website. More details will be included in the event Terms and Conditions where this is in place.

Data retention

We will retain personal information for different periods of time depending on your relationship with St. Michael’s Hospice and in line with our Information Governance Policy retention schedule, relevant laws and best practice recommendations. For example, if you donate to us, we will keep your financial information for at least seven years after your last interaction with us. When we no longer need to retain your information, we will ensure it is securely erased. If you would like more information on our Retention Schedules, please contact us.

Data storage

St. Michael’s Hospice operations are based in the UK and we endeavour to store all our data in the UK or within the European Economic Area (EEA).

Some organisations which provide services to us may transfer personal data outside the EEA for processing purposes, but we will only allow them to do so if your data is adequately protected and in line with legal requirements. This includes, for example, ensuring that appropriate safeguards in relation to international transfers of data are included in contracts, and conducting Data Protection Impact Assessments on the processing activity.

We have in place a robust back up system for all our information, and a business continuity process to ensure that in the event of a situation that affects normal operating procedures we are able to restore information and return to normal operations in a timely and secure manner.

Data sharing

St. Michael’s Hospice will not exchange or sell your personal information to another organisation for their own marketing purposes.

In some cases, we may have to share data about you when requested to do so by statutory agencies, such as the police.

We will also share your data with our contracted suppliers, and external service providers, such as our:

  • Email service providers.
  • Fulfilment houses.
  • Marketing and fundraising agencies.
  • Our Lottery partner, Local Hospice Lottery.
  • Advertising platforms: We may provide your email address and phone number to advertising platforms such as Facebook and Google (to determine whether you are a registered account holder with them) to analyse whether your website visit occurred due to seeing a St. Michael’s Hospice advert. Your data is sent in an encrypted format which the social media provider can only view if you have an account, data belonging to individuals who do not have an account is deleted. This information helps us to determine how our advertising is performing.
  • Friends of St. Michael’s Hospice, for the purposes for which it was obtained.

In these situations, the relationship between St. Michael’s Hospice and the third-party supplier will be governed by a contract and strict security requirements will be in place to protect your personal information. In addition, we undertake due diligence and Data Protection Impact Assessments on the third parties we work with before sharing any personal data with them.

Your data protection rights

When St. Michael’s Hospice is using your personal information on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. You also have the right to ask St. Michael’s Hospice to stop using your personal information for direct marketing purposes. Simply contact us and we will amend your contact preferences.

You can contact us at any time if you want to exercise any of these rights.

You also have the following rights:

Right to be informedYou have the right to be told how your personal information will be used. This policy, and shorter summary statements used on our communications, are intended to be a clear and transparent description of how your data may be used.
Right of accessYou can ask what information we hold on you and request a copy of that information.
Right to erasureYou have the right to be forgotten (i.e., to have your personally identifiable data deleted). We will still be required to keep an appropriate record of the request if we can delete your information and, in some instances, a legal basis will override the right to erasure.
Right of rectificationIf you believe our records are inaccurate you have the right to ask for those records concerning you to be updated.
Right to restrict processingIn certain situations, you have the right to ask for processing of your personal data to be restricted because there is some disagreement about its accuracy or legitimate usage.
Right to data portabilityYou can ask us to send a copy of your information to another organisation where processing is automated. Although we don't currently carry out any such processing. If we do in future, you can make a request and this data can be exported from our systems for you.
Right to objectYou have an absolute right to stop the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, as well as the right to object to other processing activities.
Right to object to automated decisionsYou have the right to object to your personal data being used in a computerised model or algorithm to make decisions that have a legal or similarly significant effect on you.

Notification of changes to this privacy notice

This Privacy Notice may change from time to time. For example, we will continue to update it to reflect new legal requirements. Please visit this website page to keep up to date with the changes to our Privacy Notice.

What to do if you are not happy

In the first instance, please talk to us directly so we can help resolve any problem or query. You can reach our Supporter Care team on:
Phone: 01256 848848
Post: Supporter Care Team, St. Michael’s Hospice, Basil de Ferranti House, Aldermaston Road, Basingstoke, RG24 9NB

You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you have any concerns about the way your information is being processed using their help line 0303 123 1113 or at

Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, or about how St. Michael’s Hospice manages your data, please contact our Supporter Care team or Data Protection Officer:

For general enquiries, complaints and compliments

Supporter Care

Phone: 01256 848848


Post: Supporter Care Team, St. Michael’s Hospice, Basil de Ferranti House, Aldermaston Road, Basingstoke, RG24 9NB

For personal data rights requests and data protection complaints and queries:

Data Protection Officer:

Phone: 01256 844744


Post: Data Protection Officer, St. Michael’s Hospice, Basil de Ferranti House, Aldermaston Road, Basingstoke, RG24 9NB

We have separate privacy notices for our patients and families, employees, volunteers and job applicants.


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