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Living Well Service

We know that living with or caring for someone with a life-limiting illness can be challenging. Our Living Well Service is here to help you “live well”, by providing sessions with our team of health professionals and volunteers that can offer advice, guidance and support. All of our sessions offer a safe space to talk 1:1 or in a group about your worries, struggles or queries.

Who can use the Living Well Service?

You don’t need to be professionally referred to us to use our Living Well Service, please just get in touch with us to make an appointment by calling 01256 844744 or emailing

What sessions do you provide?

We provide a range of sessions for many different needs, from pilates to creative sessions and lots more. Below is a list of sessions we currently provide, for more information and booking please contact us using the details above.


A safe space to discuss your feelings, worries and concerns, belief systems and spirituality.

Our Chaplaincy provides a safe space for our patients and their families/carers.

We provide group Chaplaincy sessions for patients only.

Our next of Kin/Primary carer sessions are held on the third Thursday afternoon of the month.

We also hold 1:1 sessions by appointment for patients, Next of Kin or primary carers.


Physio and Occupational Therapy

A therapeutic information programme covering fatigue management and management of breathlessness (Week 1), falls prevention/safe exercise and stress and anxiety management (Week 2).

Join us for our physio and occupational therapy sessions. Take part in 4 x 45 minutes sessions, delivered over two consecutive weeks, (First and second Wednesday afternoon of the month.) The maximum number of people on each session is 8 (including Next of Kin/carers). The patient’s primary point of contact will also be expected to attend, and all sessions should be attended.


Craft and creativity workshops

A workshop designed to support patients with a progressive life-limiting disease use a creative approach to reduce anxiety, socialise and make something that will have lasting memories for their loved ones.

The maximum number for this course is 8 patients. Come along to our Craft and creativity workshops, delivered in our Hospice, over 6 consecutive weeks, (every Thursday morning 10am - 12pm).

The workshops will include creating greetings cards, cushions and soft toys. Or, feel free to bring your owning knitting or project. This will be a lovely opportunity for you to share ideas and support with the group, and get support from our volunteers.


Patient or Carer Support sessions

This is a safe space for you to talk about any concerns that you may have either 1:1 or as part of a group.  

Complementary Therapy

Up to 4 complementary treatments including Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Reiki.

Book yourself on to one of our treatments.

Massage involves a variety of gentle, soothing techniques along with deeper movements to help with relaxation, muscle pain and tension.

Reflexology involves a specific type of massage to the feet. It is based on the principle that points on the feet relate to different parts of the body and working these reflex areas helps aid and clear imbalanced within the body.

Indian Head Massage treatment focuses on the neck, shoulders, arms, and head. It can be carried out through clothing and can help relieve tension in these areas.

Reiki is a type of energy healing and one of the main aims is to help you relax. A reiki practitioner puts their hands on or near your clothed body and aims to change and balance the ‘energy fields’ in and around your body.


Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis for the treatment and alleviation of a variety of physical and psychological symptoms.

Come along and experience Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis allows the patient to experience often quite deep levels of relaxation and so helps to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. Clinical Hypnotherapy can also help with issues such as nausea and vomiting, pain management and sleeping problems. Hypnosis is a very natural process that has many clinically proven benefits and is approved by the British Medical Association. Individual sessions conducted in a treatment room of the Turner Centre. Each session lasts between 40-50 minutes. A course of up to 4 hypnotherapy sessions.

This service is only available to patients.


Counselling Sessions

Our Counselling service is offered to all those that are affected by a life-limiting illness and for those who are grieving after loss. We can provide one-to-one counselling sessions where patients and relatives can talk about their experience and what’s important to them. Sessions are free and flexible to meet individual needs.

All of our counsellors are registered with the appropriate professional bodies and will work with you in a confidential setting.
