Image of Nurse Ellie sat on a bench smiling at the camera


Dignity Action Day is a day dedicated to the upholding of everyone’s right to dignity.

At St. Michael’s, we hold our patients’ dignity at the forefront of everything we do. Dignity is about choice and we make sure we give our patients, where possible, the choice in where and how they receive their care.

Hospice at Home Nurse, Ellie, has shared the importance of ensuring our patients and their families are treated with dignity and compassion in their care.

“If our patients have chosen to be cared for in their own home, the Hospice at Home team will try our hardest to bring the services of the hospice to them in their homes. We respect and fulfil our patients’ wishes to be at home for the end of their life, in familiar surroundings with their loved ones.

The work the Hospice and Hospice at Home team provides, promotes dignity in end-of-life, empowering our patients to choose their preferred place of care.

Ensuring our nursing plan supports our patients’ wishes is vital in respecting their dignity, making sure their wishes are met and performing our role in supporting our patients as a duty of honesty.

Dignity is a fundamental part of pain control and end of life care. The Hospice at Home team does this through quality nursing practice and patient centred, holistic care which reinforces this crucial practice to give dignity in end of life for our patients in our community.”

Find out more about the support we provide to our patients and their families here.