We’re celebrating recent cheque presentations and fundraising successes! Well done and thank you to everyone who’s recently taken on an event, fundraised or presented us with a cheque.


Rodwell Masonic Lodge

Thank you to Waller Rodwell Masonic Lodge who recently came in and presented us with a donation of £1,000!

Waller Rodwell Masonic Lodge presenting a cheque to our Hospice

Blakemore Foundation

The Blakemore Foundation recently provided a donation to our Hospice – because of their kind support we can continue providing the best professional care for our patients and families!


exclaimer, in Farnborough, raised £3,000 in memory of a colleague who was cared for in our Hospice. Thank you to everyone at Exclaimer for this fantastic donation!

The people smiling at the camera holding a giant cheque by the exclaimer logo


Blatchford, Basingstoke, recently presented us with a cheque for £442 raised from a Christmas raffle and cake sale – thank you so much to everyone there for choosing to support us.

Three people holding a giant cheque smiling at the camera


Newbury Building Society

Newbury Building Society presented us with a cheque for £4,875.89 that has been raised during 2022 through staff and in-branch fundraising. Thank you to everyone at Newbury Building Society – we couldn’t do what we do without supporters like you!

Two members of staff from Newbury Building Society presenting us with a giant cheque outside their branch

Photo credit: Michael Harden Photography


Thank you to everyone who supported us or presented us with cheques in February. To find out more about how you can fundraise for our patents, click here.