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VOICES Survey 2021

Listening to feedback on the care patients and their families receive from St. Michael’s Hospice has always been a key priority and is actively encouraged.  One way in which we obtain feedback is through the VOICES questionnaire which is sent to the patient’s next of kin 10 weeks post-bereavement.  The aim of the survey is to gather feedback on the patient and relatives experience of the Inpatient Unit and/or the Hospice at Home team.

Between January and December 2021, a total of 185 questionnaires were issued and during the same period 96 questionnaires were returned giving a response rate of 52%.

We are delighted that in 2021, 98% of those taking part in the survey rated their experience of St. Michael’s Hospice at Very Good (90%) or Good (8%).

Key Findings:

Inpatient Unit

  • 100% agreed that there was enough help available to meet the patient’s personal care needs.
  • 100% agreed there was enough help with nursing care such as giving medicine.
  • 100% agreed that the bed and surrounding environment had adequate privacy for the patient.
  • 91% felt that the patient had received enough emotional support.
  • 70% felt that the patient had received enough support with religious or spiritual needs.
  • 91% felt that the patient had received enough support with the relief of symptoms other than pain.
  • 85% felt that the patient had received enough support with family concerns.
  • 90% felt that the patient’s pain was relieved completely all or some of the time.
  • 96% felt that they were always kept informed about the patient’s condition.
  • 92% felt the patient was always treated with respect and dignity by the doctors.
  • 100% felt that the care by the nurse was exceptional.
  • 80% rated the food as excellent or exceptional.

Hospice at Home Team

  • 87% felt that the service was offered to them at the right time.
  • 90% said they could always see a nurse as often as it was needed.
  • 98% felt that the patient received enough emotional support.
  • 94% felt that the patient had enough support with the relief of symptoms other than pain.
  • 87% felt that the patient’s pain was relieved completely all or some of the time.
  • 88% of relatives felt that they got as much support as they wanted.
  • 92% felt there was good communication with other professionals and care was well managed.
  • 98% felt that the patient was treated with respect and dignity all of time.
  • 93% felt that the care they received from the team was excellent or exceptional.
  • 100% said they were involved as much as they wanted in decisions about care and treatment.


  • 80% of patients said where they would like to die.
  • 67% of these patients said they would prefer to die at home.
  • 52% died in his/her own home.
  • 31% of these patients said they would prefer to die at the hospice.
  • 45% died in the hospice.
  • 91% thought the patient had enough choice about where they died.
  • 96% of relatives on balance, thought their loved one had died in the right place.
  • 91% of relatives said they were given enough help and support at the actual time of death.


The VOICES Survey forms an essential part of St. Michael’s Hospice quality assurance programme. Relative feedback on the service that they and their loved one received provides reassurance that we are meeting the needs of our users as well as identifying areas for development.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took the time to share their voice during 2021.

  • Mum wanted to die at home at first, but she felt safe and comfortable in the hospice and at peace.
  • The care at home team gave us all the support we needed, to allow his wishes to be fulfilled
  • The team were so respectful of what she wanted
  • She had constant 24-hour care and pain relief surrounded by her whole family
  • Being in the hospice was a great comfort to my partner and he said he felt comfortable in there
  • Mum could not have been in a better place, St. Michael’s hospice looked after her very well
  • The staff were very sensitive and caring
  • Despite Covid restrictions, I was able to have a close friend with me, which made a huge difference to us both.
  • The whole team at St. Michael’s Basingstoke went above and beyond in caring for my partner and myself and mine and his families. Truly exceptional support and care from everyone that works here in all teams. He said he felt safe in there and comfortable and cared for
  • The support given by all the staff at the hospice was wonderful. My daughter and I are so grateful.
  • I received a telephone call on a day that I was coping, I was grateful for the call however, weeks on I needed to talk and have requested a place on one of your bereavement evenings
  • His family and my family were present, they made toast and teas which was lovely.
  • They made her look very peaceful and the small touches of flowers, and personal things were with her when we went back into the room to say goodbye